Minutes of the Historic Pullman Garden Club

Minutes of the Historic Pullman Garden Club Membership Meeting July 3, 2024

Present: Beverly Ash-Larson, Lorraine C. Brochu, Andy Bullen, Linda Bullen, Anna Fillmore, Sue James, Lynn Smith, Norma Zarris, Mary Zehnder, Brent LaRowe, Megan LaRowe (?)

The meeting convened at 7:06 pm at 614 E 113th St.

The minutes of June 4th were read and approved. m/s/p BAL/AB

Discussion: installation of water at Gateway and how other parks do this. Anna suggested Prairie Moon Nursery for good selection of drought tolerant plants, to be ordered in advance. Motion: to budget up to $500 for purchase of plants for Gateway. m/s/p AB/BAL

Garden Walk: good variety of lovely gardens and turnout. Suggestions for future Walk: improve transition from end of Walk team to dinner team; select date in Fall; connect with other Garden Clubs; start Publicity earlier; buy a Square scan device; set task list for committees. (NB: Ariel and Logan’s Garden suggested for 2025.)

Gardens (LS): Gardens look good. Focus on arch/alley at Gateway.

T-shirts and sweatshirts: Andy and Linda have offered to research and price them at Santo Sport Store.

Gateway (BAL): Beverly reported that the committee is looking into ways to make the park more inviting, to determine barriers to people not using it, and ways to encourage its use. Discussion: possible events included an ice cream social, Fall corn festival, croquet-and-lemonade social, Debs educational event. Suggestions for welcoming elements included a artwork, arch, continuation of pavers to 111th, or sign to be added to one on 111th (i.e. Please enjoy our garden, Open to the public, Entrance on Langley). The latter is to counter a perception that the garden is a private space.

Mimosas in the park (LCB): Lorraine, Andy and Linda offered to organize pastries and juice (and byo bubbly) in Gateway on July 21, 10 am-12 pm, for members to enjoy, rather than labor in, this beautiful garden. Motion: to budget $40 was suggested. 

Motion to adjourn at 8:06 pm m/s/p AB/bunch of people


Lorraine Brochu, Secretary